How to generate Azure application credentials manually

Create Azure application

Assign API permissions

  1. Click Manifest from the left pane.
  2. Look for the requiredResourceAccess array in the code.
  3. Copy the entire contents from this file and paste them into the section highlighted in the image below.
    • If your tenant is being created in Azure Germany, copy the entire contents from this file and paste them into the section highlighted in the image below.
    • If your tenant is being created in Azure China, copy the entire contents from this file and paste them into the section highlighted in the image below.
  4. Assign API permissions

  5. Copy-paste content only from the open square bracket to the closed square bracket. Ensure that all punctuation marks are retained correctly. Once you have pasted the file, it should look like the image below

    Assign API permissions

  6. Click Save.
  7. Navigate to API Permissions from the left pane. Click on Grant admin consent for <your_company>
  8. Assign API permissions

Assign required roles for Azure application

  1. Open Microsoft Entra admin center.
  2. Navigate to Roles & admins → All roles. Search and select Exchange Administrator.
  3. Assign API permissions

  4. Click Add assignments. Search and select the created application.
  5. Click Add.
  6. Assign API permissions

Create client secret and upload certificate

  1. Open Certificates & secrets and click on New client secret from Client secrets tab. Note down the generated client secret.
  2. Create client secret and upload certificate

  3. Open PowerShell as administrator in the <product folder>/conf. Replace <Your-Company-Name> in the below query and execute. Please note down the certificate password.
  4. .\Create-SelfSignedCertificate.ps1 -CommonName "<Your-Company-Name>" -StartDate (Get-Date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") -EndDate (Get-Date).AddYears(4).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")

    Create client secret and upload certificate

  5. Two files, in .cer and .pfx format,will be created at the script location. Upload the .cer file to the azure portal as shown in the below image. The .pfx file will be used in the product later.
  6. Create client secret and upload certificate

Configure Microsoft 365 tenant in SharePoint Manager Plus

In SharePoint Manager Plus, use Azure application authentication and enter Tenant Name, Application Id, Secret key, complete location of generated .pfx certificate file and certificate password to configure the tenant.

Configure Microsoft 365 tenant in SharePoint Manager Plus

Note: Please provide the complete path of certificate location in the configuration. (e.g) C:\Program Files\ManageEngine\SharePoint Manager Plus\conf\ZohoCorp.pfx

You can find the Application ID in the Overview tab.

Configure Microsoft 365 tenant in SharePoint Manager Plus

How to find tenant name?

Configure Microsoft 365 tenant in SharePoint Manager Plus

Configure Microsoft 365 tenant in SharePoint Manager Plus

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